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Hampshire Hawk Walk News

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Hampshire Hawk Walks and Friends

Thursday 15th August 10.30am - 4pm at Chawton House GU34 1SJ

Come and learn all about birds of prey and have the opportunity to meet owls and hawks close up and hold one for a picture ( small fee applies)

Hampshire Hawk Walks in association with Wrens Birds of Prey and Wild About Britain, will be there to answer all your questions and you will meet a number of owl species, including Merlin the baby black barn owl, Wilfred the barn owl and his friends, Freddie the tawny, Ozzy the little owl and Mumbles the Eagle owl, we are hoping George the Great grey will be feeling like a day out too.

OZZY The Little Owl

There will also be a kestrel, buzzard and hawks for you to meet, along with a selection of native UK species of animals with Connie from Wild About Britain. Along with some crazy ferrets for you to learn about and hold.

Chawton House have lovely gardens to explore, and there will be giant garden games available to play, have a go at bird bingo and visit the tea room.

There is also a free to enter competition to win a hawk or barn owl walk with us, Hampshire Hawk Walks.

An educational event aimed at all ages within the gardens of Chawton House. A great way to spend a day of your summer holidays.

Chawton Gardens Entry fee applies. Plenty of parking available.

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