About your falconry experience
What to expect and things you should know.
I provide the opportunity to handle and free-fly a bird of prey in a completely natural setting in Hampshire. I specialize in 80/90 minute, private Hawk Walks for individuals and families, I do not combine bookings. My aim is to share the pleasure, excitement and joy of handling and flying one of nature’s top-class predators in a safe and relaxed environment.
On each experience a spectator/guest, such as a friend or family member are invited to accompany the walk free of charge. Additional spectators are welcome, but an extra fee of £20.00 per person will be charged. No previous experience with birds of prey is necessary as I will be with you the entire time and full instructions on safety procedures essential for the safe handling and flying of the birds will be given.
At the start of the experience you will have a ‘meet and greet’ with the Hawk that you will be flying with before being taken through a safety session on the do’s and don’ts of handling the hawk. Once you are ready to continue then the real fun begins.
Over the course of the experience I will cover many fascinating insights into the birds, such as their place in the environment, what and how they hunt, eyesight, natural behaviours and pack dynamics, whilst you relax, fly and interact with ‘your’ hawk. Throughout the duration of the Hawk Walk you or the accompanying spectator are welcome to take as many photographs as you wish as a further reminder of a wonderful experience.
The birds used for the Hawk Walks are the Harris Hawk a New World raptor species and one of the only known birds of prey that continually live, hunt and breed within a family unit, similar to the dynamics of a wolf pack. These hawks possess a calm and even temperament and, once trained, will happily free-fly and interact safely with complete strangers – thus an excellent choice when dealing with clients or members of the public.